PosterRail Safety Week serves as a reminder that every year more than 2,100 North Americans are killed or seriously injured because of unsafe behavior around tracks and trains.

Every one of these incidents and deaths are preventable.

We all need to promote a better understanding and knowledge about the risks of being near railroad tracks. The North Vancouver Chamber fully supports CN’s efforts to ensure that residents and visitors in our community are safe.



Stop a safe distance from tracks and crossings

Look both ways to ensure trains are not approaching.

Listen for approaching trains.

How can you help?
  • Say something! Save the CN Police phone number and call if you witness any unsafe situation near the railroad: 1-800-465-9239.
  • Act as a role model around trains and tracks.
  • Share rail safety tips with your family, friends, colleagues, and community members.
  • If you live in a CN-served community, email CN Safety to organize a safety presentation in your local school.

CN Rail Safety Resources

Community Safety Information

Rail Safety Week Poster

Rail Safety Tips for Truck Drivers