BC Hydro Substation investment anncoucement pic 2 Aug 14 2024

L to R: 

Patrick Stafford-Smith, CEO, North Vancouver Chamber;
Al Leonard, Exec.VP, Capital Infrastructure Project Delivery, BC Hydro;
Hon. Josie Osborne, Minister of Energy, Mines and Low Carbon Innovation;
Mike Little, Mayor of the District of North Vancouver;
Susie Chant, MLA for North Vancouver-Seymour



The North Vancouver Chamber is pleased to see the announced BC Hydro investment in the clean energy infrastructure we need to support predictable, reliable power support to all our North Vancouver business community. NV Chamber CEO Patrick Stafford-Smith was present to share the BC Hydro North Shore and Sea to Sky Capital Plan announcement on August 14th 2024 at the Capilano Substation.

BC Hydro will construct about $500 million in capital projects across the North Shore and Sea to Sky corridor over the next decade, to upgrade and expand the electricity grid and provide clean power for homes, businesses and growing electrification and transportation needs.BC Hydro Substation investment anncoucement pic 4 Aug 14 2024

On the North Shore, this includes approximately $120 million in investments at substations that will result in completion of the new Capilano Substation upgrade, which provides capacity for an additional 10,000-17,500 homes. It also includes replacement of end-of-life equipment at Pemberton and Lynn Valley Substations, to maintain reliability of service in the area.

In addition to these major projects, there will be investments to replace transmission infrastructure between the Walters Substation and the Deep Cove Substation in North Vancouver, to ensure reliable service to industrial customers on the south-west waterfront.

The story from BC Hydro:

We are seeing significant growth across the North Shore and the Sea to Sky corridor in residential, mixed use and industrial sectors. As more and more people choose to switch from fossil fuels to clean and renewable sources of power, there is unprecedented interest and demand to connect new housing, businesses and public facilities to our clean electricity.

That is why, through our $36 billion 10-year Capital Plan, we are investing $500 million in the region to support load growth, address dam safety and seismic risks, replace end of life equipment, and increase customer connections and electrification. Key investments include upgrades at the Cheakamus generating facility and several important substations including the new Capilano Substation; as well as transmission investments to provide service to the Woodfibre LNG plant near Squamish.

BC Hydro News Release – August 14, 2024

North Shore News article