Canada-wide rail stoppage


Freight train traffic across the country will experience disruption of rail service starting today, 22 Aug 2024.


Joint statement from the Canadian Chamber of Commerce, Business Council of Canada, Canadian Federation of Independent Business, and Canadian Manufacturers & Exporters:

Joint statement: The federal government must act to avoid a Canada-wide rail stoppage

OTTAWA, AUGUST 21, 2024 – With a full shutdown of Canada’s rail network less than 24 hours away we call on the federal government to take immediate action to ensure the continuation of rail services. The Government of Canada has a responsibility to protect the Canadian public and maintain national security, and it is time to act decisively to fulfill that obligation.

Under section 107 of the Canada Labour Code, the Minister of Labour can refer the dispute to the Canada Industrial Relations Board (CIRB) for binding arbitration and prohibit a strike, lockout or end any ongoing stoppage pending a resolution. Alternatively, the government can also reconvene Parliament and introduce back-to-work legislation.

This is not about siding with either party; it is about standing up for Canadians. The federal government must show leadership and act before our trains – and with them, our economy – grind to a halt. Otherwise, the steep price of inaction will be paid by Canadian families, workers, and businesses.




Port of Vancouver


Media Coverage:

North Shore News:

Teamsters challenge minister’s move to resume rail service as shutdown drags on

Rail companies, union resume talks as lockout shuts down both major railway

CBC: Canada’s 2 major freight railways came to a full stop

Global: Rail shutdown: Trudeau says Ottawa ‘not taking this lightly’

Globe & Mail: Canada’s biggest railways lock out workers after failed negotiations with union

BBC: Canada rail shutdown threatens US supply chains  


Other Information:

US Bureau of Transportation Statistics – Potential Effects of a Canadian Rail Disruption